Saturday, April 30, 2016

Production Schedule

I have a little bit of an unconventional production schedule in this blog post. I'll be trying to get everything done quickly because I have two other finals on Friday as well :-)

So, what needs to be done?

  • I need to figure out exactly how I'm going to go about organizing my information. I have a pretty good idea since I have my outline but filling in the details is what's important. 
  • Most to all of this work will be done in the lib, my finals week home.
  • All I'll be using this week is my laptop and my school-fried brain. I'm doing a standard college essay so I don't need to learn new conventions or a new program!!
The Schedule:
  • Monday: I'm going to try and get a rough draft done today, and as many of the blog posts for next week completed as possible. 
  • Tuesday: Hopefully the blog posts are done today and I can start working on perfecting the paper. 
  • Wednesday: I want to be done with the paper today and open up my content to peer reviews, so I can change anything I'll need to change. 
  • Thursday: STUDY.
  • Friday: FINALS then SUBMIT!
Any changes?
  • Like I said, I'm open to making changes if the peer reviewers can give me good tips, but I'm pretty good at writing papers that I'm happy with the first time around. 

Alright, let's get going.

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