Sunday, April 24, 2016

Peer Review (12a) for Marisa

Alright, so I know that it is technically not peer review time in the chronological order of my blogs, but in the interest of getting people some reviews I'm just going to do the rest.

This time I peer reviewed Marisa's fine cut.

  • I chose the copy-editing activity for Marisa's peer review. I basically told her that her content was really good and had a logical flow and was easy to follow but that she should consider explaining her sources a bit more. I also reminded her of the conventions of a video essay, which would include more visuals (but she made it clear that she knows that).

  • I incorporated what I know about the guidelines of the project to give her the review.

  • I really admire the way Marisa presented her content, and the passion she has for it. She makes it clear that she cares and can relate personally to what she's talking about, and it makes for a very interesting video essay. 

More peer reviews are coming. 

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