Sunday, April 24, 2016

Peer Review (12b) for Benjamen

The peer reviews continue.

This time I peer reviewed Benjamen's fine cut QRG titled "New Year New... Test?"

  • I chose to do the re-design activity for Benjamen's peer review. 

  • I told him that his QRG would benefit from a few form changes, like getting rid of some indents and adding more color. I also suggested changing up the format a bit, not just centered texts and images for a few pages; something like shifting the text to the left. 

  • I incorporated the genre examples we have available to us, to refer to for the conventions of a QRG that I could remind him of. 

  • What I really admire about Benjamen's project was his tone. He shared a personal anecdote while still keeping the tone very informative, yet conversational. He mastered the type of tone that should be used by a QRG, while still incorporating plenty of the conventions. His content is also very well covered, so I admire how well he covered all the things he needed to cover. 
I'm getting tired but more peer reviews are coming. 

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