Monday, April 18, 2016

Reflection on Production

This post is about some reflections on the past week or so of production.

What went right?
  • I am really starting to see the argument and exactly how I'm going to tackle it much better now then last week. I also find it pretty easy to visualize what it is that I'm going to put on screen along with the script, so I'm not worried about running out of ideas. 
What were the challenges?
  • Although I have plenty of research and a good idea of how to form my argument, putting everything together in an order that makes sense has been fairly challenging. I also have just now started getting acquainted to IMovie, and I can totally see it being really time consuming to really put together.
How will next week go? 
  • Well this week is technically the final week, so in terms of the progress work, I am a little worried. I'm running out of time and I really see IMovie being a super pain. Anxiety is the name of the game. 
How am I feeling about the project?
  • Not great but I haven't felt incredibly confident about any of the projects at this point in production so far. I believe in my ability to get it together in moments of intense pressure so I am banking on that to help me through this ordeal.
Almost done!

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