Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Production Schedule

As the whole world probably already knows, I am behind in the blog work this project. Because of that, my production schedule is going to be a bit crammed in, which isn't ideal but I am 100% behind being completely up to date and on task for next week. A successful project will be turned in on time and I'm going to work like my life depends on it.

What needs to be done?

  • I need to finish up the blogs from last week, and start the rough draft of my video essay. I'll need to gather as many sources as I can. fill the holes in my argument, master IMovie, and start putting things together. 
  • This work will be split across time spent in my room, and late nights at the library.
Possible changes after completion?
  • I'm open to all sorts of changes to my project after I have a rough cut, whether it be small editorial things or a part of the argument itself. I wouldn't change my whole entire topic of course, but if an opportunity to improve the project significantly came up, I would probably take the opportunity.

So here's my crammed, overwhelming production schedule for Project 3:

Wednesday, 4/13: Complete all of the blog work for the first production week. This includes Production reports, where I'll have to post bits of what I have (which is nothing yet) but I'm going to try and put together a rough cut of the intro for one post, and a rough cut of the first section for the second post.

Thursday, 4/14: It seems a bit backwards considering I already made some rough cuts, but I'm going to create a detailed frame by frame plan of how my video essay (think story board) and gather as many visual sources as I can, fill the holes in my argument.

Friday 4/15: Start putting together the video essay in IMovie. I'm sure this will be plenty time consuming and I'll have a lot to edit and piece together. This would be a good day to make the editorial report.

Saturday 4/16: Continue putting things together all day. Create my opening, body paragraphs, and closing section. Fill in with the correct transitions.

Sunday 4/17: Finish up any loose ends for my rough draft. Finish up the blogs and do my peer reviews.

Then the next week will be all the final editing and making sure that my project meets all the requirements!

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