Monday, April 25, 2016

Peer Review (13a) for Jianna

How many peer reviews can I do in one night? Four. I can do four.

I peer reviewed Jianna's fine cut video essay.

  • I chose the redesign activity for Jianna's peer review. 

  • I basically told Jianna that her passion really shone through in her project, and that she used the logical/emotional appeals well. I suggested that she include more pictures and outside sources, and lower the volume of her music a little so that we can hear her more clearly.

  • I used the guidelines for Project 3, as well as the video essay examples to reference for conventions.

  • Like I said, I really admire Jianna's passion for her topic, as well as how personally she took on the argument. She made it clear that it meant something to her, which is something I feel that my project may lack. I also really liked the way she recorded her own screen for a bit, which is an idea I think I'm going to have to steal. 
One more!!

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