Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Reflection on Pre-Production

I really thought that I could not be more behind or more overwhelmed than I was for Project 2, but just like I was wrong about how long it would take two try and cram two weeks worth of blogs into two days, I was very, very wrong.

Did anything go right?
  • Honestly, not really. I let myself get really behind and really, really stressed, which only made it worse. But in the end, I think my topic is pretty interesting and I learned much more about than I thought I would. I'm also really glad I was able to keep the horror movie aspect, because I think it will make for a really interesting video essay, but I was also able to incorporate another party (the MPAA) to give the argument more substance.
What were all the challenges?
  • Picking a topic and settling was probably my biggest challenge. I let myself get really psyched out about choosing something perfect which put me behind in the first place. Finally bringing in all my research and putting all the pieces together into one cohesive argument was also a bit daunting. Most of my challenges came from non-English forces. The pre-production week fell on the week where I also somehow had huge papers and tests in every single one of my other classes. This was the catalyst to my "behind-ness," also known as my downfall and the event that took years of my life.
How will next week go?
  • Considering that I have to fit all of the first production week's work into about a day or two is scary and just sounds really unappealing, but I'm going to make it happen and I'm going to do it well. Like I said at the beginning of this post, I fully intend to be caught up for this week's deadline and have all of next week to perfect my project.
How am I feeling about the project overall?
  • Not good, but that has a lot to do with how behind I am. I feel good about the nature of my argument and I think it's unique and interesting content to make a video out of, but it still needs some major organization. My biggest concern is-no surprise- the amount of time I'll have to make a good argument and edit and all the things that need to go into a video essay, but I'm going to make it happen.
Almost to week two! If you see a 12 year old crying in the Starbucks line, don't worry it's just me.

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