Sunday, April 24, 2016

Peer Review (13b) for Emily

Last one!!!

I peer reviewed Emily's QRG titled "The Problem with Michelle Obama's Let's Move! Intitiative."

  • I chose the redesign activity, which focuses on form and genre conventions for Emily's review. 

  • I reassured Emily that she definitely has most of the QRG conventions down, but she could mix it up and add a few. I recommended adding bulleted lists instead of the long quotes she has, or highlighting the really important quotes in another color or centering them. I thought this would make her form more interesting and break up the QRG a bit. 

  • I incorporated the genre examples of QRGs that we have provided for us to give Emily feedback on form. 

  • Again, I really admire the way Emily has set up her QRG. I also like the tone she chose for the essay. It's less personal than the other projects I reviewed, but she still comes off as conversational, yet knowledgeable. She also includes strong counter aguments, but not strong enough to veer from the main point she's trying to make. 

All done!

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