Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Peer Review for Avalon

I peer reviewed Avalon's Open Post to Peer Reviewers.

What activity did I choose?

  • I peer reviewed based on the content suggestion activity. 

  • I think I helped her by reassuring that she's on the right track. She's got a well-developed paper and has made good arguments and counter arguments. I suggested that she include more factual details like statistics to back up her argument so she has more citations, just as a credibility building sort of tip. 

  • I incorporated the Student's Guide tips for building author credibility by suggesting adding more statistics as a logical appeal. 

  • I really admire how well Avalon has developed her argument, and the way that she built up her argument very well but wasn't afraid to develop a good counter-argument, which is something that my argument lacks at the moment. 

Everyone's work is looking good!

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