Sunday, April 24, 2016

Reflection on Global Revisions

Just a quick reflection on what I thought about this global revision process.

What went right?

  • Well, I think I've finally really solidified my argument. Now all that's left is too cut it down and get a little less frivolous, which I prefer over feeling like I was missing key points. Also my intro is pretty good, I think. If I can keep that level of quality and tone throughout the whole project, it would turn out to be pretty successful. 
What went wrong?
  • It's been a struggle. Having to catch up this whole project has been tough. School in general has been really hard and busy lately, so time management was a huge issue. Also learning how to iMovie took forever, but I think I got the hang of it now.
How will next week go?
  • Well this is it, so I think the rest of my project's process with go very well. I'm basically done, the only reason I didn't post the whole thing already is because I want to export it in it's full glory once I finesse the details. I'm not too worried.
How am I feeling project wise?
  • Like I said, not too bad. I am actually feeling the most confident in my content this project than I have for the other ones. My only worry is just small technicalities with iMovie and the putting together of pictures and such. This is preferable to questioning if I'm even on the right track. 
This project is turning into the most dramatic affair.

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