Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Peer Review for Kathryn Russell

I peer reviewed Kathryn's "Production Report 8b" based off the content suggestion activity.

For the peer review activity:

  • I assured Kathryn that she was meeting the project 3 criteria, that she included plenty of detail and that her sources were well cited.
  • I don't feel like I helped Kathryn too much because she honestly had what she had to have down for the content suggestion activity. If anything, I helped reassure her that she's on the right track with her work so far.
  • Again, there wasn't necessarily a structure to Kathryn's post because she published a bit of her script, so I only used the Project 3 guidelines as far as course materials. 
I really admire Kathryn for the "voice" she used throughout her script, as well as her level of detail. She used a casual but still informative type of voice that really makes it seem that she knows what she's talking about. She's very detailed in her explanations, even though they're brief, and she cited plenty of her sources very well. 

The people I've peer reviewed have done well so far! I'm getting nervous.

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