Friday, February 12, 2016

Peer Review

The QRG:

I peer reviews Ryan's QRG. Heres the link to my rubric for him: rubric.

The Video Essay:

I also reviewed Nicholas' video essay. Here's the link to that rubric for him: rubric.

By comparing these other projects, I really learned how important it is to remain unbiased in this project. I think the other examples did a better job of that than me, so I should probably go back and review that.

I think the major issues with my draft are:

  • As I mentioned above, remaining unbiased. I need to go back and revise the blatantly obvious parts, and back up other stakeholder. 
  • Describing my stakeholders and doing more research on them. I thought my stakeholders were well researched, but after looking at the other examples I should do a little more. 
  • Describing the setting and time period in more detail. I basically did not do this at all so it's a whole section I need to address. 
I think my QRG's major strengths are: 
  • The way I've formatted it. It looks organized and pleasing to the eye, with plenty of white space so that it's not too overwhelming. I have to keep this quality as I add and revise. 
  • I think that the amount of explanation (in some parts) is the perfect amount, It gives the reader the main idea but doesn't stray too far so that they get confused.
  • It's a small detail, but I think the amount/how I integrated my quotes is pretty good. I thought I was being too quote heavy but looking back it looks pretty good to me.
Kungen324. "Cool Guy." 12/15/15 via WikiMedia Commons. Creative Commons License. 

Also that gif makes me so happy. I can't be sad when I look at it.

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