Sunday, February 21, 2016

My Verbs

My most riveting blog post yet. Get ready for a long list of some verbs!

jethro96 via giphy

For the sake of the aesthetics of my blog, I've listed them all in a paragraph below rather than bullet them all:

  • struck was feared thought would reach arrived was assigned to take took resulted being filed spread begins spread begin escalate mention infected contracted carried was turned arrived was died was found bring face admitted begins assigned trained deal have protect forced create receive forced deal having bleach filling happened infected admitted died supervises gets releases to chalk breach are is mention is treat moved released sued received treating hopes exposing putting invaded used claims asked release ended being released claims taken taken ended releasing neglected is paying faces expressing is left suffered is mentioned refused prepared released fell claims is calls claims released released asserting respected had reloading alleged make give consent make delivered was is claimed can claim should be handled puts makes win decided entered is has halt had has raise help receive protect overlooked arises fall win questioned removed advantage risk devote
Wow, ok. Here's a list of the verbs I used more than once:
  • released: 5 times
  • assigned: 2 times
  • spread: 2 times
  • deal: 2 times
  • claims: 4 times
  • arrived: 2 times
  • is: 8 times (most likely more, but I wasn't sure if we should include these)
  • was: 6 times (like I said, probably more)
  • take: 2 times
  • being: 2 times
  • begins: 2 times
  • mention: 2 times
  • infected: 2 times
  • died: 2 times
  • admitted: 2 times
  • protect: 2 times
  • forced: 2 times
  • receive: 2 times
  • ended: 2 times
  • taken: 2 times
  • releaisng: 2 times
  • make: 2 times
  • win: 2 times
I am actually surprised that I didn't use the same verbs that many times. I wasn't sure if I should include verbs like is and was. Have other people counted those as well?

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