Sunday, February 28, 2016

My Interviewees on Social Media

Stalking people for homework. Again.

Aboardthehotmessexpress. "Funny Animated Gif" via giphy

Professor Rene

I was able to find (stalk) Professor Rene Love on LinkedIn and Facebook.

What is she talking about on her social media?
  • Unfortunately, Professor Rene has much of her Facebook on private. From what I can see, she posts things about her family and friends, and her recent move to Tucson. She also shares a few articles having to do with the nursing field; one specifically speculates on bigger roles for nurses. 
  • On LinkedIn, Professor Rene just has facts about her posted. She's included her long lists of achievements and experience, as well as where she was educated and groups she's involved in. She has 500+ connections on this profile, so it seems like she is pretty active on it. 
How does this compare with her publications?
  • From what I can see of Professor Rene's social media presence, it matches up fairly well with what she has written. Her publications all have something to do with psychology, and all her social medias include that she is a psychiatric nurse involved in research. Professor Rene writes formally on her social medias so it's hard to really get a feel for her personality in comparison to the journals she writes. The only time her personality comes out is in the interactions she has with her friends and family through Facebook comments. She writes casually here and uses emojis, which is more indicative of her friendly and warm personality.

Kaylyn Grammater

Kaylyn has profiles on LinkedIn, Google Plus, and Facebook.

What is she talking about on her social media?
  • Kaylyn also has her social media profiles pretty locked up. Honestly, I doubt that this is all that she has because she's so young. She probably has her profiles set on private for the most part. 
  • On LinkedIn, there's the standard information. She has her experience, education, and a few groups listed. 
  • Kaylyn pretty much just set up a Google Plus account and never used it again (like most of us).
  • Kaylyn seems the most active on Facebook. She has many profile pictures of her with friends, and she shares photos from her vacations. She has a few pictures supporting UofA (she's an alum) and not much else. She doesn't mention nursing much unless it has to do with UofA.
How does this compare with her publications?
  • Like I mentioned in an earlier post, Kaylyn has not published any formal writing yet. I suppose this would coincide with her Facebook, since there's not really a mention of nursing other than when she graduated. It is clear on her LinkedIn that Kaylyn has only been working for a little less than two years, so the lack of publications also makes sense based on that profile. 
It was annoying to find that Professor Rene and Kaylyn were so private on social media, but at the same time I have to acknowledge that I'm the same way with my social media. Did any of you encounter this problem?

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