Sunday, February 21, 2016

Local Revision: Tense Usage

More lists! More verbs!
ClkerFreeVectorImages. "Checklists." 4/25/2012 via pixabay. Public Domain License. 

Present tense:

  • spread: 2 times
  • deal: 2 times
  • arrived: 2 times
  • take: 2 times
  • being: 2 times
  • begins: 2 times
  • mention: 2 times
  • win 2 times
Past Tense:
  • released: 5 times
  • assigned: 2 times
  • claims: 4 times
  • infected: 2 times
  • died: 2 times
  • admitted: 2 times
  • forced: 2 times
  • ended: 2 times
  • taken: 2 times
Future Tense:
  • receive: 2 times
  • releasing: 2 times
  • make: 2 times
The past tense is the most prevalent tense in my draft, but only by one verb over present tense. 

I think this tense makes the most sense for my tone, because the events that I'm writing about happened in the past. The places were I used present tense make sense and help to make those sections more interesting. The lawsuit that I'm writing about isn't technically ongoing, so it makes sense that it is my least used tense.

At first, I did notice a few weird tense changes mid paragraph. After some revision these shifts can be changed, but I think that for the most part the tense I use for each situation makes sense and enhances the point I'm trying to make. I have present tense verbs in places where it makes sense to emphasize the action. I think my biggest challenge with verbs is using more variety, but I think I got the tense stuff down. 

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