Sunday, March 27, 2016

Editorial Report b

Editing, editing, editing.

Rough Cut: Here's a link to the rough cut of the patient chart section of my podcast.

Re-edited Selection: Here's a link to my new, edited section.

How did the content change?

  • My re-edited version is stating the same idea as my rough version, but I included a few more details and a snippet of my interview with Kaylyn Grammater. I think what really made a difference and made my edit better is the interview. It makes the content more interesting to hear it from someone else, as well as more credible since she is a registered staff nurse. 
How did the form change?
  • I don't know if this counts as form, but I think I'm speaking a lot more confidently and clearly in my edit- which makes a pretty huge difference, I think. I also changed the background music to a different instrumental rap song, because I could not let that idea go. Now it's Forbidden Fruit by J.Cole instead of No Role Modelz (I like J.Cole). I also included fading in and out of the music at different points of the segment. I think these changes improve my edit by making it sound more dynamic, and I find this music choice to be better/less distracting. 
How's everyone else's progress going? Somehow editing seems to be taking longer than the first rough cut. 

1 comment:

  1. Hey Mariana,
    So I think that you are off to a really good start with your podcast. I am just going to make a few recommendations on form. For starters, I do like that you have a little bit of background music while you're speaking, however, at some points it was a little hard to hear you. I could not figure out if that was because of the background music, or you were just talking quietly. I also think that the examples that you included about why they are important for lawyers etc. was really helpful for the audience as well. However, I would maybe include the places that you found that information. Including the sources to back up your evidence (Student Guide page 72) would really help with your credibility as an author. Overall though I think that you did a very good job with your rough cut of the podcast and I'm excited to see what the final product ends up to be!
