Sunday, March 6, 2016

Production Schedule

Scheduling has never been my strong suit. I tend to push things off until the last minute and go with the flow with pretty much everything I do. College has been teaching me this is not the best way to go about things.. so here's my production schedule:

What needs to get done:

This week I need to edit my interviews to get the relevant content, decide on some specific genres to analyze, record myself, and edit everything into a rough draft. And the blog posts. So a lot.


Most of the recording will probably happen in my room, but I can see some late nights at the lib in the future as well.

Planned date and time:

Like I mentioned before, scheduling is hard for me. I'm going to try to stick to this the best I can:

Monday: huge chemistry proposal due, probably won't get much done
Tuesday: edit the interviews for relevant content, hopefully track done one source
Wednesday: track down the other two sources and analyze all three
Thursday: start planning what I'm going to say and recording my own audio. hopefully I'll be able to post a blog post by today
Friday: editting, editting, editting. Another blog post.
Saturday: I'll give myself Saturday to look over what I have and give it a second to settle with me. I'll write my reflection blog post today.
Sunday: look over the rough draft and make any last minute changes, then submit. Open up a post for peer reviewers.

Resources required:

Most of my resources I'll have access to online, so my laptop will be my best friend. The only thing I might have to search for physically is the patient charts.

Date completed:

Everything should be all ready and submitted by Sunday, March 13th.

Changes that might be made: 

I can definitely see myself making changes after the first rough draft. I might come up with an amazing idea I have to include or my peer reviewers might point out a massive flaw. If I see a reason to change my draft, I won't hesitate to try and make it better.

I'm really really going to push myself to follow this schedule. The work load each day seems manageable, and I'd love to not be freaking out and dying come Sunday.

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