Sunday, March 27, 2016

Reflection on Post-Production

I remember at the beginning of the semester, the idea of actually completing all these projects was super daunting and impossible. Now we're halfway through guys!

What went right this week?

I think this week I finally got a good handle on the conventions of a podcast. I learned how to incorporate different kinds of music with fading in and out, and really perfected my intro and outro. Before this week, I think my content was good but the way I was presenting it wasn't. Now that I sound more confident and the form is better, the project is way more successful.

What were the challenges?

Even though I was able to learn the conventions well, the actual process of identifying them and applying them was pretty challenging. I wasn't familiar with GarageBand, so learning about it to manipulate my content was pretty time consuming. It was also challenging to narrow down my content and figuring out what it really meant for my field.

How will next week go?

The pre-production week is usually pretty relaxing after the pressure of finishing up a whole project, but I have a feeling that it will be hard to narrow down on a topic. I also have 2 tests, a proposal and a final next week, so I'm hesitant to say that it will go well.

How am I feeling about the project?

I am feeling confident about the form of my podcast. I worked hard to learn the conventions and apply them, so hopefully it turned out well. I think the content is good, but honestly, I'm pretty unsure. I was literal in pointing out the rhetorical aspects of my genre examples, so hopefully that's what the guidelines asked for.

Project 2 is done, on to the next project.

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