Sunday, March 6, 2016

Reflection on Pre-Production

This production week was definitely different from the first, in both good and bad ways.

What were the successes?

I think all three of my interviews went very well. Practically everyone I emailed agreed to meet, so I got to pick and choose who I thought would give me the best perspectives. The interviews themselves went smoothly and everyone I talked to was friendly and eager to help.

I also think identifying some genres analyze went well, too. I honestly didn't think I'd find enough because the nursing field is so uniform, but I was able to identify three different ones that I think really complement each other.

What were the challenges?

I think my biggest challenge was not knowing what was going on for the beginning of pre production. I didn't understand what the project was really asking of me at the very start. If I had, I probably could've asked wiser questions in my interviews and gotten more specific information.

I also really struggle with time management, but this has remained pretty consistent through each deadline. I have never not find myself struggling to finish the blog posts and the project content in the last couple days, and 5-6 ams have been pulled. I am really hoping the production schedule will help me to manage my time more wisely this production week.

How will next week go?

Honestly, in comparison to the first production week, this week went pretty smoothly. I hope this trend continues into next week too. I know more about the kind of work that's expected of me now and the time I have to put in to do well, so I think that it should be a better production week overall.

Feelings on the project?

I'm having mixed feelings on this project. I feel like I have a good handle on the content and how to present it the way I want. But I also feel like I have no idea how to do a podcast and that it will be very awkward and time consuming at first. I also feel like I have a very busy next week, and that time management will stay an issue. The production schedule needs to be my best friend.

I am really liking this "less amount but more helpful" blog post idea. I think the actual planning of the project is really helping me envision the outcome.

Teerasuwat. "Chihuahua." 1/29/15 via pixabay. Public Domain.
I know we don't need pictures anymore but my blog feels empty and this dog is cute.

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