Sunday, March 13, 2016

Production Report

With spring break and midterms, this week hasn't been the best. The Production Schedule was meant to be my best friend, but is now an awful, annoying friend that reminds me of my responsibilities when I want to sleep.

Outline Item:

Here is the link to my first piece of rough material from my Content Outline. This part will fit into the first section on nursing patient charts.

Audience questions:

  • I decided to do a podcast for Project 2, which has proven to be way harder than I thought. My first piece of material is recorded and I tried my best to describe my first source. Not many other conventions are present since this is a section that will be in the middle of the others, so it wasn't appropriate to include music or introduce myself. 

  • Like I said.. podcasts are hard. Just figuring out how to record myself was a challenge. GarageBand has this horrible reverb/echo setting that I CANNOT figure out how to turn off, so my first few takes sound like I'm talking into a fan. So uploading and editing audio is going to be hard. I'm also having a hard time figuring out what kind of tone I want to use. At first I was reading off a script, but that sounded terrible. In the take I linked above, I was going off a few points and my own words, which I think sounds a little better. There are a lot of "ums" which I can't help, but I think it makes it sound more natural? Hopefully. You can tell that I at the end I kind of lost what I was trying to say, so I plan on editing that out. 

I am foreseeing plenty of issues in this project.

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