Saturday, March 26, 2016

Peer Review for Ben Macklin

I peer reviewed Ben Macklin's QRG titled, "Understanding the Genres of Neuroscience: Tips for Beginners."

I chose to use Activity 3 to peer review Ben's QRG, or a copy-editing suggestion. Basically, I reminded Ben that QRG's are made up of short, concise sentences and plenty of white space, that QRGs have a question and answer format, and that he should remember to hyperlink his sources. I think that this helped him because it's easy to be overwhelmed by all the new conventions, especially in a rough draft, and I know that having these reminders listed would have been pretty helpful when I did my QRG.

I referenced the QRG genre examples on d2L in my peer review for Ben, since most of what I told him had to with conventions. 

What I really admired from Ben's rough draft was the organization of his content, and the content himself. It already seems like he has a very good handle of what he'll be talking about and what that means for the way people in his field write in general, which is a key aspect of the project (and something I wish I'd realized I had to know a little earlier).

Almost done!

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