Saturday, March 26, 2016

Editorial Report

I'm not gonna lie, this podcast has been stressing me out. I didn't think this genre would be so challenging but figuring out the conventions is not easy!

Here's the link to the rough cut of my intro from my first draft.

Here's the link to my new and much much better/less awkward, edited intro.

How did the content change?

  • I made some much needed changes in my edited version. First of all, I made the intro much longer and changed the name. I started with the name of the podcast (which is much better than Pillow Talk) and then said my name, which already sounds better to me. I introduced the topic a little more concisely, then I went into the "set up the hospital scene" bit. I think it turned out to be a cool way to create a setting, and it makes the beginning much more interesting instead of just diving into the other content. 
How did the form change?
  • I think the changes I made in form are much more successful than my rough cut. I changed the opening song to Forbidden Fruit by J Cole instead of No Role Modelz (I think the instrumental rap is cool so I'm sticking with it) and now it's much less distracting. I also paused the music when I introduced the topic for emphasis, and I added the hospital sounds to my description. I think it perks your ear up more and just makes for a more interesting intro. 
Like I said, figuring out the conventions in the world of podcasts is pretty time consuming. How're you guys handling it?

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