Sunday, May 1, 2016

Production Report 14a

I think I really want Drake tickets so I can listen to Views live but I also think I might be poor and I don't want to pay $150 for nose bleeds. I will probably not be seeing Views live.

Audience questions
  • I'm doing a college essay this time, so there wasn't much form to worry about it. The form changed from just a quick bullet point to an opening paragraph fit for an essay.
  • This is just an opening section, so it wasn't too hard to come up with something to open with; production was smooth.

Anyways, here's a little bit from the opening section of my rough draft:

Opening section:
  • I’m going to grab the reader’s attention by explaining what my first impressions of the course; how overwhelmed I was at the beginning, thinking that it was going to be an average “read a book, write a paper” english course.

And here's a new edited up section that I plan on opening with:

I imagine that walking into a new class at the beginning of the semester will always be a little nerve-wracking, even after I move on from being a new freshman. Walking into the first day of my honors english course made me especially nervous because it was such a small and intimate class; there wasn't room to blend in and hide like in big lecture halls. After reading through the syllabus and really understanding how much work this course would be, my nerves only heightened. All my past english courses had demanded the same sort of work and effort from me- read a book, write and analyze it, take some vocabulary tests or something trivial and that would cover it. I could always get an A with minimal effort. I was floored by what was being asked of me. Only three big assignment? I thought genres were for movies, like indie films and romcoms? I would have to adapt what I knew to new media, like podcasts, video essays and blog posts.

Does it sound too overdone? I tend to write very flowery essays.

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