Thursday, May 5, 2016

Peer Review 15

This week I peer reviewed Sienna's production report 14b.

I chose to peer review Sienna's work with aspects of both the content suggestion activity and a recommendation about form.

  • I gave Sienna a suggestion of changing one design element from a picture of a puppy (which would have also been great tbh) to some pictures of herself and friends her freshman year, since she's taking on a more emotional, personal tone in her conclusion. I also suggested she expand on a couple points she included in her content about how she grew as a student, like listing a few of the ways she grew that she may have mentioned in the beginnings of the essay.

  • I incorporated more of what I know about the conventions of a video essay (from the examples on d2L) to give Sienna suggestions on what types of pictures she should include, as well as what I know about the project final.

  • I really admired the way Sienna directly mentioned her audience in her conclusion, and how she wasn't afraid to end on a nice personal note. 
No sleep, I am dying.

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