Friday, May 6, 2016

Editorial Report 15b

LAST BLOG POST. I will miss you untitled blog. It's kind of funny how my blog never got a title an my whole essay is on procrastination.

Audience Questions

  • Again, the content didn't change too much. I elaborated on a few points so my revised version is a bit longer, and I rewrote a few sentences so the paragraph would be easier to read and relate to the theme of the essay as a whole.
  • Virtually no changes in form. It's still a paragraph, but now it has an indent. And it's double spaced.

Rough cut

Project 2 came with many more challenges. The interviews are the first element of project 2 that comes to mind. I was lucky enough to  find interviewees in the college of nursing easily and set up three interviews. It was annoying having to do so much planning in advance- since it isn’t my strong suit- but I was learning that planning was a key aspect to success in this course. The challenge was actually conducting the interviews. I’m usually a shy person when I first met people, so I was very apprehensive going into the interviews. Fortunately, I think I conducted the interviews well and received valuable information- again I was surprised. I was taken aback again when I began to actually create my podcast. I had never used Garageband or made anything similar to a podcast, and it honestly felt impossible that I would be successful at it when the project was first assigned. I am still honestly surprised at the final podcast I submitted. It ended up sounding much more professional and well-done than I anticipated, and frankly, I was very pleased with myself. The take-away from this project was again, the benefit of planning, and that perhaps I had more potential than I was giving myself.

Revised Version

Project 2 came with many more challenges, one of the most significant challenges being setting up and conducting interviews. I was lucky enough to easily find interviewees in the College of Nursing and set up three interviews, two with published nurses and one graduate student. It was annoying having to do so much planning in advance since it isn’t my strong suit, but I was learning that planning was a key aspect to success in this course. Conducting the interviews felt like it would be a struggle for me since I can be shy when I first meet people. Fortunately, I conducted the interviews more confidently than I expected and received valuable information. I was surprised again- apparently planning for things and thoroughly preparing really did create better results. Although the interviews went smoothly, the creation of the podcast was much more challenging. I had never used Garageband or made anything similar to a podcast, and it honestly felt impossible that I would be successful at it when the project was first assigned. My blog posts leading up to this project were more frantic and unsure than Project 1, and I remember my expectations for the final product were quite low. I am still honestly impressed at the final podcast I submitted. It ended up sounding much more professional and well-done than I anticipated, and frankly, I was very pleased with myself. The take-away from this project was again, the benefit of planning, and that perhaps I had more potential than I was giving myself.

Almost time to submit guys. Food awaits afterwards. 

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