Friday, May 6, 2016

Editorial Report 15a

Second to last blog post EVER. It's a little sad, but mostly really great. Maybe I'll take up blogging as a hobby from now on? Probably not, but.

Audience Questions

  • The content didn't change too much in the edited version. I rewrote a few sentences more concisely, which I think improves the flow of the paragraph. I also expanded on a few points I realized were a bit vague. I added a little bit about time management since that's an important theme in my essay.
  • The only way the form changed was that this paragraph was previously a part of another very very long paragraph. I went through and spaced out my paragraphs more so its easier to read, after my peer reviewers recommended it.
Rough Cut

At the beginning of the semester with project 1, I was still holding on to the mentality that I had in my past english courses. I needed structure, I wanted the 5 paragraph standard essay back that I was trained to write for four years. I wanted to be told what to do rather than have all the creative freedom I didn't know what to do with yet. I chose a QRG for project 1. Looking back, that was the best choice I could've made. The QRG is still a very structured genre, so although it took some getting used to, I could still follow a very distinct form. I couldn't have imagined the way I would manipulate  the genres I'd be working with later, and the kind of freedom I would take in creating the projects.

Revised Version

When we began Project 1 at the start of the semester, I was still holding on to the mentality that I had in my past English courses. I needed structure, I wanted the 5 paragraph standard essay that I was trained to write for four years. I wanted to be told what to do rather than have all the creative freedom I didn't know what to do with yet. I wanted to get away without planning or managing my time and just do everything the night before like I always had. The coursework for Project 1 quickly revealed that I would not be getting what I wanted. I made a smart choice during this project by choosing to do a QRG, because it is still a very structured genre. Although it took some getting used to, I could still follow a very distinct form. I couldn't have imagined the way I would manipulate the genres I'd be working with later in the course, and the kind of freedom I would take in creating the projects.

I'm so hungry but I don't want to eat until after I submit my final. What should I eat... I battle with this question daily.

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