Sunday, January 31, 2016

Reddit and What I Found There

I think I used Reddit in 7th grade to look at the comic strips that used all those meme faces. That's all I got.

  • I was surprised by how funny the discussions were between the nurses. I spent way too much time looking at one discussion feed on ridiculous stories they'e experienced with patients. Some were really funny, others much more serious/gross. Nurses have hard jobs. There were many feeds asking for advice on what kind of programs they should enter, what's the best method to do *blank*?, and some light hearted, funny pictures. 

  • As far as debates, most of them have to do with the best places to work with whatever level of nursing you're at. This particular feed discusses the difference in being a CNA at nursing home or a hospital. Discussions on what kind of salaries nurses make according to the region, the mental health of nurses, and the kinds of repercussions they receive from their specific hospitals can all be found here. It's really interesting and helpful to be able to read what people's first hand experiences are like, I will definitely be checking reddit again. 

  • I already hyperlinked this discussion above, but it was the most interesting one I found because it includes a ton of demographics on nurses and their answers on several questions, from flu shots to their end goals as nurses. Another really interesting discussion feed I found was on the pros and cons of nursing. A user who goes by "P51Mike1980" made a list of his own pros and cons in the comments, along with many other users sharing their ideas. This was really interesting to read because I myself have been debating between a physiology major or nursing, so this was great information.

  • Overall, I wasn't too surprised to read about what the nurses on Reddit are discussing. They were funny and some were quite insightful, which made their comments interesting to read- but I expected the content. It correlated pretty strongly with what I saw on Twitter and the magazine articles, such as salary, the role of the nurse, etc.
Reddit was probably the form of media that I enjoyed browsing the most. I didn't even consider looking there to get information for Project 1, so I'm glad I did!

1 comment:

  1. Just needs a cited image to follow the conventions for a blog post. :)
