Sunday, January 31, 2016

Considering Genres

Finally, choosing the genre. I've been dreading this moment since I heard we had to choose, so yay!

  • I decided to commit to the Quick Reference Guide for Project 1. In my Investigating Genres post, I looked into the QRG. Most QRGs have to do with presenting a news story, which is essentially what I'll be doing with Nina Pham's lawsuit. The QRG's question and answer format  will be an organized and concise way to present the sides to the argument. 
  • Like I said, I will be using the subheading, question and answer convention of the QRG to present my argument. The hardest part will be keeping my paragraphs concise but detailed, and being able to include helpful links and graphics. 
  • I am VERY scared for Production week. Next week is already a very busy week for me, with a few tests and all the normal homework, so I might die. Maybe. Probably not. But I will be sitting in the lib into the depths of the night with four or five caffeinated drinks. It'll be difficult to spread out the work and not wait until the last minute, along with balancing my other deadlines. 
Mrehan. "studying and sleeping." 7/16/2009 via Flickr. Creative Commons License. 
A real picture of me on the couches of the library this week.

Ok, time to get serious. Is everyone dreading this (me) or are some people excited? 

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