Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Open Post to Peer Reviewers

I'm actually following the production schedule this week! I'm growing up guys.

Here's a link to my Rough Cut of the final project.

Author response

  • What I want peer reviewers to know: this is a pretty rough essay. I think my tone varied between semi-casual and formal, so if you notice that too please let me know. I also followed a 5 paragraph form (intro, 3 body paragraphs, conclusion) which has made my paragraphs HUGE. Should I change this or is it widely known that 5 paragraphs is the convention to follow? I was always taught that 5 paragraphs was the way to go, so I stuck to that but let me know. 

  • Weaknesses: Like I said, I'm really unsure about how I kept the tone. I also think I may have included too much unnecessary information. Let me know if you think I should cut the final draft down!

  • Strengths: I think I'm fulfilling what the final is asking of me. It's a pretty thorough reflection of how I felt as the semester progressed and what I got out of each project, then the course as a whole. I'm feeling very confident in terms of content, it's form and the amount of content where I have some worries.
I think I love Snoop Dog. Gz and Hustlas is a classic everyone should go listen to it. One of the best intros.


  1. Hi Mariana,

    I really like the way you wrote your introduction! Ir captures your personality well and outlines the major theme of your essay. I like the imagery and the explanation of the overwhelming emotions during the first week.

    One suggestion that I have is to include some quotes or other sources from your work to further your explanation of the time management issues. I know in my blog posts, the panic I expressed after each project diminished. If you have similar sources like that, I think it would strengthen your reflection to add those.

    Your essay flows nicely and uses the perfect tone for the assignment. I like that you focus on the external pieces of the writing process (time management, interviews, etc), but I am curious if you noticed changes in your internal writing process (content, style, what section you write first, etc)? I think that would be interesting to add if you wanted to.

    Overall, I love the tone you use and the way you explain your growth throughout the different projects. Good luck with finals and revision! :)

  2. Hey, Maria. Here is some peer review for this rough cut. Hope it helps.

  3. Hey Mariana! I think that by adding specific evidence that supports the claims made in the reflection, it will help for the readers to witness your evolution as a writer, as you explain it. The reflection should take the readers on a journey of the year and direct quotes from other projects would significantly help. I actually love how the tone isn't static throughout the entire essay, I think it helps to hold the reader's attention by changing the tone. Overall, loved the essay and how it seemed to flow so easily! Good luck with finals and I can't wait to see the finished product!

  4. Hi!
    I really liked your paper! I didn't think the semi-casual tone was a problem at all, I think it made it more relatable and I found myself agreeing with a lot of the thoughts and concerns you had. My only suggestion would be to make a shorter intro at the beginning that separates from the first paragraph. It might help the reader ease into it a it easier. Other than that, great job!
